Invitation for Expressions of Interest for the Nadi Basin Catchment Committee IWRM Governance Review (Extension of Submission Deadline)
The Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) currently executes the European Union (EU) funded Pacific Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Planning Programme. The Programme is designed to support 14 Pacific Island Countries to strengthen their governance structures and frameworks to mainstream IWRM approaches into national planning processes. Through this Programme, SOPAC technical support has been requested to assist the Nadi Basin Catchment Committee (NBCC) in the preparation of an IWRM Governance Review for the Nadi Basin.
The NBCC was established in 2009 with the assistance of the Pacific IWRM Demonstration Project (the Demonstration Project), implemented by SOPAC and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The Demonstration Project is designed to “improve flood preparedness and integrate land and water management planning within the Nadi Basin using an integrated flood risk management approach,” and the NBCC was formed to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the Demonstration Project.
Further to ensuring the smooth implementation of activities and achievement of outputs by the Demonstration Project, the NBCC is responsible for planning and coordinating the sustainable development and management of Nadi catchment water resources, with the aim of implementing an IWRM approach. On completion of the Demonstration Project in 2013, it is envisaged that the NBCC will continue to function in this role.
The responsibility for protecting and managing the Basin’s water resources lies across multiple government agencies and communities. However, these various agencies are still in the process of developing capacity and establishing policy settings, and difficulties remain in implementation and coordination of the various efforts. In these circumstances, there is significant potential for IWRM approaches to help address these issues by encouraging collaboration between the communities who rely on fresh water and the various agencies who provide the service and others who manage the same.
In this regard, the establishment of the NBCC is a good first step towards implementing an IWRM approach. It is a multi-sector body, representing the key stakeholders (both land and water managers and users) within the Basin. Collectively, its members represent the strength, capacity, policies and enforcement powers of the various departments and organizations involved in the management and use of the Basin’s water resources.
Although still in its infancy, the NBCC is progressing its long-term plans for the effective management of the Nadi Basin Catchment area. Issues of interest and discussion in the NBCC’s quarterly meetings range from water issues, land use, flood mitigation and protection, water supply, development plans, policies and legislation and gravel extraction. NBCC members have supported and assisted the installation of water level recorders, a flood early-warning system, initiated demos for proper land use practices in the upper and mid catchment areas and initiated contact with communities. The direction of the NBCC has also been sought on a number of work programs for implementation in the Nadi Basin.
To assist these efforts, subcommittees have been formed to focus specifically on the four project components: Community Liaison, Technical, Governance and Planning, and Land and Water Use. One of these subcommittees, the Governance and Planning Subcommittee (GPSC) has been tasked with providing technical advice and guidance to the NBCC with regards to the governance and planning aspects of the Demonstration Project, and also in regard to the broader implementation of IWRM approaches in the Basin. Such guidance and advice will empower the NBCC in making sound decisions to manage water resources within the Nadi Basin.
In early 2011, Fiji participants in the Pacific IWRM Planning Programme sought support from the Programme to assist the GPSC to undertake this function. This support was discussed by the GPSC, and in April 2011 the Subcommittee agreed to seek the Technical Assistance described in these ToR, centred around the development of an IWRM Governance Review for the Basin.
The key products of the Technical Assistance will not only be the IWRM Governance Review but also, importantly, a strengthening of the capacity of the NBCC and its Governance and Planning Subcommittee to effectively drive river basin management initiatives into the future.
These Terms of Reference outline the core activities of this technical assistance; however the details of individual tasks and their implementation will need to be determined during initial detailed discussions with SOPAC and the NBCC.
Please download the ToR below for more information and details: