Map Cook Islands Federated Sates of Micronesia Fiji Kiribati Nauru Niue Papua New Guinea Republic of Marshall Islands Republic of Palau Samoa Solomon Islands Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
Land Area
Water resource
Water consumption
Country Cook Islands Cook Islands
Population 21,750 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 236.7 km2
Water resource
Water consumption
Country Federated Sates of Micronesia Federated Sates of Micronesia
Population 107,862 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 702 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 4,928 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Fiji Fiji
Population 918 675 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 18,270 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 2000 - 3000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Kiribati Kiribati
Population 107,817 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 811 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: South of the equator: 1,300 mm Tarawa: 2,000 mm Northernmost islands: over 3,200mm Eastern Line Islands: less than 1,000 mm
Water consumption
Country Nauru Nauru
Population 11,528 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 21 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 2,090 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Niue Niue
Population 1,625m(GoN statistics 2006)
Land Area 260 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 2,180 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea
Population 5,795,887 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 462,840 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall:1000-80000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Republic of Marshall Islands Republic of Marshall Islands
Population 20,842
Land Area 458 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 3,700 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Republic of Palau Republic of Palau
Population 61,815(July 2007 est.)
Land Area 11,854.3 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: Southern attols: 4,000mm Northern attols:2,000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Samoa Samoa
Population 214,265
Land Area 2,944 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 3,000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Solomon Islands Solomon Islands
Population 566,842
Land Area 28,450 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall:1500-5000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Tonga Tonga
Population 116,921
Land Area 748 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: Varies from north and south of tonga with an estimated average of 2500 mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Tuvalu Tuvalu
Population 11.992 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 26 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 3000mm per annum
Water consumption
Country Vanuatu Vanuatu
Population 211,971 (July 2007 est.)
Land Area 12,200 km2
Water resource Avg Rainfall: 2000 - 4000 mm per annum
Water consumption
Key Message
Project Title
Implementing Agency
Partnership Organisation
Donor Agency
("," separated)
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YES | 1 | YES
Expression of Interest in the design, development and delivery of an accredited Post Graduate Certificate in Integrated Water Resources Management 12 March, 2010
Related Files
The Global Environment Funded (GEF) Pacific IWRM Project and the Pacific Integrated Water Resources Management Planning Programme are being implemented in a coordinated approach to support countries in the development of IWRM plans and their implementation within Pacific Island Countries.

In order to develop a more systematic professional competency and knowledge network around IWRM in each PIC it has been decided to promote the design, development and delivery of an accredited Post Graduate Certificate in Integrated Water Resources Management within an appropriately located and accredited higher educational institution with demonstrable experience in delivering accredited Postgraduate IWRM Courses.

As IWRM is a multi-disciplinary multi-stakeholder approach to water management, the course curriculum and learning units should reflect this.

The submitting Higher Educational Institution needs to provide an assurance that the programme will be formally accredited prior to the commencement of the Course in July 2010. Preference will be given to submissions that have a formally accredited programme.

The formal delivery of the programme to commence in 2010 to a minimum of 20 participants who have been selected through a process to be undertaken in conjunction with the SOPAC EU/GEF Pacific IWRM Projects.Instructions for EOI Submissions.

The Expression of Interest (EOI) must be received by IWRM SOPAC on or before Fiji Time 15h00 the 31st March 2010 in the format set out in 7 above. The EOI must be emailed to [email protected]. Acknowledgement of receipt of email submissions must be obtained at least 1 hour after submission. If the submitting institution has not received an acknowledgement then it is their responsibility to ensure the EOI has been received.

SOPAC accepts no responsibility for any party who suffers prejudice through this process as a result of failed email submissions.

Late submissions will not be considered.

All enquiries regarding the expression of interest by interested
institutions can be taken up with Marc Wilson by email [email protected]

Please download the PDF below  or the related files on the top right hand corner of the page for the full EOI description and related information.